A warm welcome to Glyphs & Graphs friend. These are my words, but feel free to wade into them.
glyphs & graphs
by naveen srivatsav
by naveen srivatsav
All in Statements
A warm welcome to Glyphs & Graphs friend. These are my words, but feel free to wade into them.
An interesting question that comes up in the Climate Reality training I’m currently doing, in essence asking “what is your personal story that is at the core of your environmentalism?”. I found the question to be refreshing and evocative. The following is my answer.
Not a proper beginning-middle-end essay, but a compilation of thoughts on the topic of overpopulation as a diagnosis for climate change.
Someone asked me this question on the Climate Change group: "I am new to the front and I got stopped dead in my tracks by a Climate Change denier who showed scientific evidence that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomena and is actually LESS extreme than the natural climate change which has happened in the past, according to geological records. Help."
Here's my answer.